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Andrea Gonzalez-Negron

Andrea Gonzalez-Negron

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Andrea has worked on Advent’s investments in Medius and Thredd.

Advent’s culture encourages diversity of thought.

At Advent you are able to contribute from day one. Even the most junior members of the team are asked for their perspectives and are encouraged to bring new ideas to the table. People are genuinely curious, and the opportunities to learn from your seniors and peers never end. This, together with the rigor with which we approach research, is key to helping companies grow.

Tech enables us to do things we weren’t able to do before.

I like to think of tech as an enabler, helping people do things they couldn’t do before, or to do them in a more efficient way. Given the recent wave of innovation and the growing adoption of digital technologies (accelerated by the pandemic), the allocation of capital to ideas and businesses with high potential not only fuels their growth but also drives economic growth and productivity across the board. This is why I’m passionate about tech investing.

I’m also passionate about social impact through technology.

I started a social enterprise in Peru a few years ago, and later launched an innovation lab to train students in digital skills and entrepreneurship. While the pandemic brought face-to-face commercial activities to a halt – forcing interactions to move online – it also created an opportunity for geographically isolated areas in developing countries to leapfrog and integrate into larger supply chains digitally. These nascent markets need leaders that will be able to seize those opportunities. We aim to develop and empower those leaders.

I like to keep active to stay energized.

I love sports and try to stay active as much as I can. I played volleyball semi-professionally until the age of 16, and captained the varsity team at Oxford. I also enjoy going for long runs along the Thames or meeting friends for a gym class. I’m a firm believer that staying active is key to staying balanced.