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Brandon Zhang

New York
Brandon Zhang - Advent International Tech team member

Featured partnerships

Brandon has worked on six investments during his career, including Advent’s investments in Conservice, Iodine Software and Pacvue (formerly Assembly).

There are great advantages to joining a multi-sector firm.

It can be challenging for a general tech investor to fully appreciate the idiosyncrasies and complexities of various industries. As technology is no longer an individual siloed vertical, leveraging the combination of tech business model pattern recognition and industry specific expertise is highly effective. Advent’s collaborative DNA underpins a one firm mentality and focus to bring the right know-how across our sector and support teams to diligence and help our companies achieve successful outcomes.

Innovation is the first word that pops into my mind when I think about tech.

Reflecting on the last few years, there has been no shortage of examples of companies, both emerging and established, that have pushed the boundaries of what was once considered impossible. And due to technology’s compounding factor, these barriers are being broken more and more frequently. The process of discovering and learning about the companies and technology that have permanently changed the status quo is one of the most exciting aspects of this job.

We don’t follow a pre-defined playbook at Advent.

That makes the second part of each partnership – what comes after the investment phase – so exciting and satisfying. This is where you can see the opportunities in the business and can identify what they could be doing a little bit better. Perhaps they have a great product but have been so focused on growth, they haven’t thought too much about back-end operations. We don’t have a standardized plan; we don’t charge in with a list of ten things that we think every company should do. It’s about sitting down with the management team, facilitating improvements and putting them in touch with people we think can help. We think of ourselves more as a partner than a manager or owner.