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Brenno Raiko

São Paulo
Brenno Raiko

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Brenno has worked on 14 investments while at Advent, including EBANX, Fortbras Group, Grupo Biotoscana, Merama, Neoris, Nubank, Sophos Solutions and Terminal de Contêineres de Paranaguá (TCP).

You don’t need to get everything right all the time.

One of the things I brought with me from management consulting was the ability to take big, complex problems and breaking them into smaller, more manageable ones. Quickly finding what is critical and then focusing on those elements to build the necessary conviction is very important in private equity. We don’t need to get everything right. What we need to do is identify what matters and get the important things right. That takes a lot business judgment and experience. Being able to recognize the patterns from previous companies is vital, to try to foresee the future of an investment.

We’re hands-on partners.

Even if we’re not the controlling shareholder, we are still a very deep business partner to the entrepreneur or founder we’re partnering with. Being hands-on is in our DNA. We’ll always make the full Advent network and suite of resources available to help management grow their companies – it’s what we do. Every time an entrepreneur or manager calls me, I want to do whatever it takes: to go really deep and find the right resources to crack the problem. That’s not just the case on high-level strategy, but on any areas where they’re really feeling the pain – international expansion, talent, digital, or whatever it may be.

The job sits at the intersection of three themes.

Working in private equity, you must be an entrepreneur, a financier and a hands-on operational manager. We’re a, entrepreneurial team in São Paulo, and we cover a broad set of investments opportunities in Latin America. I get great satisfaction from the ever-changing nature of the job, from the investment side to sitting on the boards of large businesses in Brazil or public companies in the United States. However, the biggest thrill in this job is seeing a company we’ve backed in Latin America become a true global leader.