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Eric Wei

Palo Alto
Eric Wei - Advent International Tech team member

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Eric has worked on 23 investments during his career, 12 while at Advent, including CCC Intelligent Solutions, Conservice, Definitive Healthcare, Certinia (formerly FinancialForce), Pacvue (formerly Assembly), Tekion, P2, and Zenoti.

I learned entrepreneurship from my parents.

They came to the US from Taiwan in the 1970s, and I was born in California. My parents started a retail store selling packaged software in the '80s when PCs were first starting, then transitioned that into a B2B technology distribution business. Seeing first-hand the risks and sacrifices of entrepreneurship has given me enormous empathy for those who are builders of companies.

I learned a lot from the early days of the internet.

I was in college at Stanford when Netscape went public, and was part of the first generation of college students who were either joining dotcom start-ups or moving into venture capital. Ultimately, I decided to go to Bain & Company, and then started to do early-stage venture capital. That was a crazy time: I was there for the peak and the fall, and you learn quickly in that type of environment. But a lot of the trends identified back then have since come true, even if they’ve taken a lot longer than many people predicted at the time.

We have a genuine passion for technology.

We are believers in companies with platform visions that have the ability to completely transform how an industry functions. By digitally connecting an entire ecosystem, everyone benefits from greater productivity while the platform becomes indispensable. This platform view shapes our bias for innovation and for building companies for the long term, and our belief that tech is a true horizontal, cutting across all regions and industry verticals.