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Sebastian Garcia

Palo Alto
Sebastian Garcia - Advent International Tech team member

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Sebastian has worked on four investments during his career, including Advent’s investment in Definitive Healthcare.

Every company is now a tech company.

At Advent, we believe that tech is no longer an industry vertical. Instead, it’s a horizontal: a foundational layer that powers every business. That’s why our investment teams are multi-sector and cross-regional by design. Our collaborative approach ensures that we bring together tech and industry-specific insights from around the world to every investment opportunity.

Advent is all about “we”.

I joined Advent because of the firm’s focus on the team before the individual. I played soccer growing up, and learned firsthand the importance of trust, cooperation, and accountability. At Advent, we believe investing is a team sport. Our sourcing efforts are collaborative and our investment decisions are consensus-driven. We all succeed and fail together.

I am passionate about partnering with management teams.

I’ve had the privilege of working alongside extraordinary executives. Our relationships have been built on mutual respect, transparency, and humility. I aspire to be a servant investor that works for my portfolio companies and not the other way around. I believe my role is to support, empower, and challenge our executives. The best part of my job is helping management teams take their companies to the next level.

I believe diversity drives better results.

I was born in Colombia and immigrated to the US at age five. In the last ten years, I’ve lived in five cities and worked with people from different backgrounds. I’ve seen firsthand how diversity of experience and background can create more thoughtful viewpoints and drive better decision-making. There’s still room for improvement in our industry, and we’re committed to bringing together diverse perspectives at Advent.